Professors and Researchers

Roberto Cabielles Sainz

Roberto Cabielles Sainz

Faculty of Health Sciences

Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Master's Degree in Secondary School Teacher Training, Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Health. In the teaching field, university lecturer and speaker at various national and international conferences. Extensive experience in football, being a UEFA B coach and physical trainer for both teams and individuals. In turn, linked to the rehabilitation of injuries.

Rosario Bengochea Seco

Rosario Bengochea Seco

Faculty of Health Sciences

Degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Psychologist specializing in Clinical Psychology. Working as a psychologist since 1998, until 2014 in community Mental Health resources and since then in a Hospital Center, in psychiatry and psychogeriatrics services.

Ruth Beitia Vila

Ruth Beitia Vila

Faculty of Health Sciences

Bacherlor’s Degree in Physiotherapy and Technician in Physical Activities and Sports Animation. She has won 15 medals, including Olympic gold in High Jump at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Since 2011, she is a deputy for the Partido Popular as well as ambassador for the Padres 2.0 NGO.

Sandra Solaguren-Beascoa

Sandra Solaguren-Beascoa

Faculty of Health Sciences

Physical-Sports Educator of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and Master in Teacher Training of Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching by the University of Deusto. Doctor in Psychology from the University of Deusto. Specialized in the design and delivery of Active Aging Programs for the elderly, and in the coordination, creation, and implementation of Physical-Sports Activity programs to promote the Social Inclusion of people with disAbilities in the community environment.

Sandra Sumalla Cano

Sandra Sumalla Cano

Faculty of Health Sciences

Dietician-Nutricionist and Food Technologist. Master's Degree in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Master's Degree in Physical Activity: Training and Sports Management. Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, and academic director of the Undergraduates in Agro-Food Engineering and Food Science and Technology.

Susana Martínez Flórez

Susana Martínez Flórez

Faculty of Health Sciences

PhD in Biology. BA in Food Science and Technology Researcher at the Institute of Biomedicine (IBIOMED) of the University of León. She participates in Research projects at a national level in the areas of physical activity, epidemiology, and health.