Professors and Researchers

Santos Gracia Villar

Santos Gracia Villar

Higher Polytechnic School

Industrial Engineer specializing in Energy Techniques and PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Director of the Master's Degree in Design, Management and Project Management. Expert in International Cooperation Projects.

Vicente Bayarri

Vicente Bayarri

Higher Polytechnic School

Doctorate in Industrial Engineering from UNED. Since 2005, has been responsible for R&D&I at GIM Geomatics, where he has received several business, innovation and research awards. Has carried out projects in different countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America and has written articles in specialized journals related to the integration of spatial data for complex decision making and geomatics.

Víctor Jiménez

Víctor Jiménez

Higher Polytechnic School

D. in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Master in Engineering and Civil Engineering from UNAM, Mexico City. Teacher and researcher in the field of occupational health and safety applied to the construction sector.