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Gastronomy, in its most modern, scientific and technological side, demand new professionals with a scientific basis. They must be able to lead the sector’s evolution and the design of new services and gastronomic products either in catering or in food industries.
The study plan of the Degree in Gastronomic Sciences at the European University of the Atlantic provides a high-quality, up-to-date training that covers the full spectrum of professional areas in which a graduate in gastronomic sciences may operate. Opportunities for further specialization in specific fields are given thanks to the wide range of elective subjects offered.
The Faculty of Health Sciences boasts modern, state-of-the-art facilities that will enable the student to fully develop the practical competences of this Degree. These facilities include four fully-equipped laboratories: one dedicated to Biochemistry and Physiology, another to Food Science and Food Technology, another specializing in Culinary Technology, and yet another to Gastronomic Sciences. There is also a Preparation room.
Learning Results
En el enlace que se muestra a continuación se pueden consultar las competencias que desarrollan los estudiantes del Grado en Gastronomía una vez finalizados sus estudios:
Graduate Profile
The field of gastronomy offers a wide range of career opportunities in all related sectors as mass catering, commercial, hotels, food industry:
- Head Chef
- Catering Manager
- Production Manager in food industry
- R&D Technician in catering or food industries
- Gastronomic Consultant
- Gastronomic Events Manager
- Educator in the field of the Gastronomic Sciences
Bilingual Education
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El inglés, la llave de tu presente y futuro
Actualmente, una de las herramientas imprescindibles en la comunicación internacional, y la llave que abre las posibilidades para encontrar un buen puesto de trabajo tanto en España como en el extranjero, es el inglés. En nuestro país, un 80% de las ofertas laborales ya requieren un excelente dominio de este idioma y, en muchas ocasiones, este criterio se impone por encima de otros como el expediente o la trayectoria profesional.
Es por ello que en la Universidad Europea del Atlántico y en el Grado en Gastronomía se potencia la formación en esta lengua y se incluyen dos asignaturas optativas de idioma inglés con orientación aplicada a la Nutrición y Dietética en el plan de estudios con el objetivo de que el alumno alcance un alto nivel en este idioma. Además, el perfil internacional de la universidad, promueve y facilita el desarrollo de esta lengua.
Para que el nivel previo de inglés no suponga una barrera de acceso a los estudios, UNEATLANTICO proporciona una enseñanza personalizada, en especial durante el primer curso, para que todos los alumnos alcancen unas competencias lingüísticas suficientes en inglés con las que superar con éxito las asignaturas de la carrera.
De este modo, independientemente de su nivel de inglés de partida, con un plan de apoyo global basado en tutorías, materiales específicos y grupos de trabajo muy reducidos, el alumno puede seguir las clases en un sistema bilingüe español/inglés de forma progresiva y al finalizar habrá adquirido competencias bilingües para el ejercicio de su profesión.
Engage in your profession
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UNEATLANTICO reproduce entornos laborales reales
El Campus de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico está diseñado para que los alumnos pongan en práctica su profesión desde el primer curso. La Facultad en Ciencias de la Salud cuenta con unas modernas instalaciones que permiten al alumno desarrollar ampliamente las competencias prácticas del Grado. Estas instalaciones incluyen los laboratorios de Bioquímica y Fisiología, de Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos, de Tecnología Culinaria, la sala de Preparaciones y finalmente el laboratorio de Ciencias Gastronómicas.
El equipo docente motiva a los universitarios para que se involucren en la vida del Campus, les orienta para que pongan en marcha proyectos e ideas que les permita desarrollar su profesión desde el primer día. El modelo educativo no se limita a cumplir con la actividad curricular de los alumnos sino a garantizar su formación teórico-práctica y la implicación total del estudiante en su entorno profesional.
Además, la Universidad cuenta con numerosos convenios de prácticas con empresas de diferentes sectores que complementan el aprendizaje de los universitarios y favorecen el desarrollo de competencias transversales que les serán necesarias a la hora de optar a un puesto de trabajo. Los profesores-tutores se encargan de guiar y supervisar el trabajo de los estudiantes y así favorecer el máximo aprovechamiento de su contacto con el mundo empresarial. La Universidad Europea del Atlántico te ayuda a poner en práctica tus ilusiones.
Once the student has completed the program, they will obtain a Degree in Gastronomic Sciences as issued by the European University of the Atlantic.
Study Programme
First Year
TOTAL | 30 | |
Food Physicochemistry | 6 | |
Cell Biology | 6 | |
Accounting | 6 | |
Culinary Techniques I | 6 | |
Physiology of the Human Body | 6 |
TOTAL | 30 | |
Food Microbiology and Parasitology | 6 | |
Cost Control and Cost Management | 6 | |
Culinary Techniques II | 6 | |
Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Gastronomy | 6 | |
Anthropology and Psychology of Food and Gastronomy | 6 |
Second Year
TOTAL | 30 | |
Food Safety and Hygiene | 6 | |
Sensory Analysis of Food | 6 | |
Bromatology | 6 | |
English Applied to Gastronomy I | 6 | |
Pastry and Baking | 6 |
TOTAL | 30 | |
Statistics | 6 | |
Spanish Gastronomy | 6 | |
Deontology and Spanish Legislation | 6 | |
English Applied to Gastronomy II | 6 | |
Sommelier and Winery Management | 6 |
Third Year
TOTAL | 30 | |
Cantabrian Gastronomy | 6 | |
Production of Animal Raw Materials | 6 | |
Production of Vegetable-Derived Raw Materials | 6 | |
Mass Catering | 6 | |
Quality and Management of the Gastronomic Company | 6 |
TOTAL | 30 | |
International Gastronomy | 6 | |
Entrepreneurship and Gastronomy | 6 | |
Food Technology, Restaurant Equipment and Facilities | 6 | |
Extracurricular Work Placement I | 6 | |
Elective II | 6 |
Physiology of the Human Body II | 6 | |
Advanced English Applied to Gastronomy | 6 | |
Biochemistry | 6 | |
Human Resources | 6 |
Fourth Year
TOTAL | 30 | |
Avant-Garde Techniques in Gastronomy | 6 | |
Commercial Management | 6 | |
Projects in Gastronomy | 6 | |
Extracurricular Work Placement II | 6 | |
Elective III | 6 |
Design and Innovation in Food | 6 | |
Food Intolerances and Allergies | 6 | |
Conflict Resolution and Mediation | 6 | |
Strategic Management and Leading Competencies | 6 |
TOTAL | 30 | |
Management of Mass Catering and Catering Services | 6 | |
Extracurricular Work Placement III | 18 | |
Final Degree Project | 6 |
Access and Admission Requirements
Admission profile
This Degree is meant for people with clear professional and personal goals, who provide maturity and contribute to the mutual enrichment among their peers. It aims to provide a context in which applicants can develop a profitable long-term relationship with their peers, teachers, former students and the institution.
On a more general note, the applicants who want to study in this university must have the following traits:
- Leadership: the university is interested in applicants qualified for teamwork, with self-confidence, initiative, able to work under pressure, great communication skills and a high sense of ethics.
- Academic journey and professional motivation: the applicants must have finished their studies according to the Spanish university system within a reasonable period of time and satisfactory academic results. Previous work experience will also be considered a positive, same as any other complementary training that applicants may possess as relevant for the position.
- Languages: considering the international and global aspect that the university wishes to have, being proficient in English is a valued requirement during the admissions process. Furthermore, students whose native language is not Spanish and want admission into the university, must certify that they have the required level to take the subjects in Spanish. Any other language will be considered a distinguishing feature during the admissions process.
Furthermore, students whose native language is not Spanish and want admission into the university, must certify that they have the required level to take the subjects in Spanish. Any other language will be considered a distinguishing feature during the admissions process.
Personal characteristics:
- Entrepreneurial spirit.
- Global citizens.
- Leadership capacity.
Educational goals:
- A prestigious international institution.
- A flexible study plan.
- Innovative learning methodology.
- Personalized education: small groups, tutoring system.
- Practical approach aimed at the job market: seminars, conferences, internships.
- Exchange programs with universities in other parts of the world.
- Comprehensive training.
Apart from the general features of the students of this university, students of Business Administration and Management must have the following characteristics as related to the Degree:
Personal characteristics:
The following are guiding criteria that strictly follow the criteria of non-discrimination based on race, nationality, ideology, gender or religion. The following will be valued:
- Interest for culture, both your own and others.
- Intellectual curiosity and interest in reflecting about the value of political inter-cultural communication, discovering the background rules on how contemporary societies are organized and how international social agents interact and innovate in organizing and decision making.
- Ease with oral and written expression.
- International experience through travel and school trips.
- Understanding ethics as the main engine of human decisions.
Academic characteristics:
The recommended academic profile reflects the admissions requirement as specified on this webpage. Furthermore, we are looking for an interdisciplinary profile that is inclusive and open to a variety of profiles, since we are aware of the assets this may offer.
This interdisciplinary, inclusive and open, profile refers to Secondary Education students who did not study a specific Bachelor’s field, since it is not a requirement for admission into the Degree. The diverse academic profile of students is considered instructive for the teaching-learning group.