Equality Commission


The Equality Commission was created by agreement of the Governing Council of the European University of the Atlantic by virtue of the powers described in article 22 of the Rules of Organization and Functioning (Decree 41/2016, of July 21, of the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria).

Its mission and commitment is to establish and develop policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly for reasons of sex, as well as promoting encouragement and fomentation of measures to achieve real equality within our university community.

To this end, policies of equal opportunities between women and men will be established within the principle and strategic framework of the Corporate and Human Resources Policy, in accordance with the definition of said principle established by the Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for effective equality between women and men.

The enunciated principles will be implemented through the implementation of an Equality Plan that supposes improvements with respect to the present situation, with the corresponding monitoring systems being arbitrated. In order to carry out this purpose, the participation and legal representation of the workers will be counted, not only in the collective bargaining process, as established by said Organic Law, but also throughout the process of development and evaluation of the Equality Plan.

Constitution of the Equality Commission

Those people belonging to the university community can participate in it freely and voluntarily after the opportune public call that will be announced on the official boards and other internal communication means established in the university, being later designated by the Governing Council.

The commitments that are acquired by its members are initially to form the Equality Commission that will draw up an Equality Plan and will participate and promote the realization of a diagnosis, elaboration, writing and follow-up of the Equality Plan of Opportunities between women and men.

They also acquire the commitment to be part of the Committee and attend all ordinary or extraordinary sessions that are legally convened or work meetings that are necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Equality Commission.

Available material
